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Computational Imaging Course
Computational Imaging is the next-generation imaging technology that fuses optics, image
sensors, algorithms, and software. It breaks through traditional imaging technology's information in terms of both depth (HDR, low-illumination) and width (Spectrum, Light field, 3 Dimension). Computational Imaging is an enhancement and extension over traditional digital imaging.
This course takes computational imaging's foundation, as well as its application tools and scenarios, as its focus. By working through the field's early background, advanced algorithms and advanced topics, as well as industry applications, this course provides a complete analysis of current advanced computational imaging. The course covers the vision system, camera system, ISP, HDR, noise, optical imaging, spectrum imaging, 3D imaging, polarized imaging, and end-to-end joint design of optics and algorithms.Teacher Profile
Qilin Sun
Doctor, Assistant Professor at Chinese University of HongKong, ShenZhen, Founder of Point Spread Technology
Prof. Qilin Sun obtained his Bachelor's degree at HuaZhong University of Science and Technology,and his Doctoate from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in 2021. His research interest lie in the end to end computational imaging camera design, computational imaging, optics, SPAD array imaging, physics-based rendering with simulation and optimization. He has published multiple articles as first-author in several top-tier computer graphics journals and conferences including ACM TOG, SIGGRAPH, Siggraph Asia, and CVPR (oral).
His startup company Point Spread Technology is dedicated to building the next-generation of computational optics platforms. The company has mass produced RGBD camera that focus on real-time 3D reconstruction, all while retaining high-speed and precision. This camera features heterogeneous pipeline image processing architecture with ultra low-power and sub-millisecond data latency. Contact sunqilin@cuhk.edu.cn.
Yifan (Evan) Peng
Doctor, Assistant Professor of Hong Kong University
Dr. Peng is currently performing post-doc research at Stanford University. He obtained his Doctorate in computer science from UBC in 2018 and a Master's degree in optoelectronic science and
engineering from Zhejiang University in 2013. He also obtained two Bachelor's degrees in photoelectric information engineering and business management from Zhejiang University in 2010. His research interet lies in the collaborative design of hardware and software in the field of imaging, microscopic, display, and VR/AR/MR. He has published several papers in top-tier journals and conferecnes in computer graphics, computer vision, and optics such as SIGGRAPH, Optica, CVPR, TCVG, and Science Advances. He has served as the program chair, session chair, and reviwer under the IEEE, SID, SPIE, and OSA.Dr. Peng also maintain an online channel all about computational optics called IntelligentOptics.
Required: GAMES 101, Linear Algebra, College Physics (Optics), Image Processing
Optional (Recomended): Convex Optimization, Applied Optics, Deep Learning, Signals and Systems, Fourier Optics, Stochastic Processes
Computational Imaging (games 204)
Core Technology
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